The Medi-Cal Member Handbook for the Specialty Mental Health Plan of Tehama County Health Services Agency (TCHSA) is being updated due to significant changes within the handbook. The updated version will be available by January 1, 2025, in English, Spanish, large print, large print Spanish, Braille, audio and CD format. This handbook is also available in paper form free of charge upon request (due to processing and printing time, it may take up to 5 business days before you receive it). Let your provider know if you want to request a paper copy.
Notice of Significant Change:
Justice-Involved Reentry Services: reentry services to Medi-Cal members who are leaving incarceration. This requirement will help to ensure that all eligible all juvenile and adult inmates of state prisons, county correctional facilities, and county youth correctional facilities have access to needed Medi-Cal covered services and care upon their reentry into the community.
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