About Us
We are dedicated to the optimal health and well-being of Tehama County communities.
Tehama County Health Services Agency promotes healthy communities through the use of education, prevention, assessment, early intervention, and treatment. We deliver culturally competent, cost effective services that recognize the rights of all community members, encourage their active participation and protect confidentiality. We envision a fully integrated service delivery system strengthened by cooperative partnerships.

Tehama County Health Services Agency Historical Timeline
1991: Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol combined with Public Health to form the Tehama County Health Agency. 1999: Opening of the Tehama County Health Agency South County Office in Corning. 2002: Health Agency Merged with the Health Center to include Primary Care & Skilled Nursing. 2003: California Women, Infants & Children Program added to Public Health. 2004: Skilled Nursing Facility Closes. 2015: Community Crisis Response Unit is remodeled. 2017: Primary Care Clinic remodeled. Integration of all Tehama County Health Services Agency services begins.
About Us
Jayme Bottke - MHA
Alexis Ross - MPH, MSDA
Deanna Gee
The Assistant Executive Director, Administration provides oversight of the Fiscal and Support Services Center. The staff of the Fiscal and Support Services Center is responsible for providing all administrative and accounting functions for the Agency. We take pride in providing these services in the most efficient and effective manner possible to insure the maximum number of dollars are available for clinical services for the residents of Tehama County.
Melissa Field - CHC
Our goal is for all employees to provide excellent services in a lawful and ethical manner. We appreciate the trust you place in us to protect the privacy and security of your health information and we pledge to keep your information confidential. If you have a concern about the privacy or security of your information, or if you have questions or suggestions about our compliance with various healthcare laws, I invite you to contact me at 530-527-8491 x3046 or complianceofficer@tchsa.net. You may also report your concern anonymously by calling toll free at 1-866-528-3259.