Home Visiting
Public Health recognizes that parenting is no easy task and our home visiting programs help to strengthen and nurture parent-child relationships by providing parents with resources and connecting them to support systems within the community. We offer two home visiting programs that can help you enjoy the rewards of parenting, Healthy Families Tehama and Healthy Beginnings.
General Information
Healthy Families Tehama:
- The goals of Healthy Families Tehama are to build and strengthen nurturing parent-child relationships, to help parents promote healthy childhood growth and development, to build family functioning by reducing risk and building protective factors, and to build and sustain community partnerships to systematically engage overburdened families in home visiting services prenatally or at birth.
- Healthy Families Tehama’s highly trained Family Support Workers visit families weekly in their home or place of their choice with fun activities and educational materials. The Family Support Worker helps parents develop and achieve goals.
- If you are pregnant or have a new baby (less than a month old), live in Tehama County and want to be the best parent you can be, you are eligible for Healthy Families Tehama. There are no income requirements for the program.
Healthy Beginnings
- Healthy Beginnings is a program that assists families through support, empowerment and education.
- The program provides preventative and support services to families, creates a support network providing transportation, in-home support, developmental tracking and referrals to other needed services such as counseling or language development.
- If you are pregnant or have a child less than one year old, or you have a child with medical needs and live in Tehama County you are eligible for Healthy Beginnings. There are no income requirements for the program.
Developmental Screenings
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The first 5 years of a child’s life represents one of the most influential times for learning and growth. During this time there are many different stages of development and milestones associated with each stage.
- Even when your child is too young to respond to you verbally they are listening to every word you say. Their brain is rapidly growing!
- Connections within the brain, also called synapses, ultimately shape how your child learns, thinks and grows – and they start forming at birth.
- The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) is a developmental screening tool that helps parents identify if their child is reaching these milestones